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Liverpool University Veterinary Faculty Building


Weightman & Bullen contacted RIW for technical advice regarding a new veterinary faculty building for Liverpool University.

Architect - Weightman & Bullen
Client - Liverpool University 
Contractor - Aspect Construction
Applicator - Lainton Services
Principle Application - DPM
Products Used - RIW Liquid GM, RIW Sheetseal GR
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The Challenge

The site report highlighted aggressive ground gases, requiring a tailored solution to meet the strict criteria for BS: 8485 for the remediation of gas protection in affected developments. An RIW Technical Advisor worked closely with Weightman & Bullen to ensure that the solution met the required criteria set out in the British Standard.
The presence of extensive steel bored piles, which would in effect break the integrity of a sheet membrane in these locations, meant that careful consideration was needed to provide continuity and protection in these sensitive areas.

The RIW Solution

RIW Liquid GM was used locally around the substrate and the steel piles. The use of this liquid membrane meant that time consuming and complex detailing with a sheet membrane could be avoided, therefore significantly reducing risk and speeding up the application.
RIW Sheetseal GR was then used extensively over the footprint of the building. When applied horizontally, RIW Sheetseal GR is a one stage application, meaning that the large flat areas could be applied quickly. The RIW Sheetseal GR was sealed effectively at the interface of the RIW Liquid GM and the piles to provide continuity.

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